Clear Longbow fiberglas 20m. coil

Clear fiberglass 20m coil to make high performance longbow, 38mm = 1½" large, 1,00mm (= .040") or 0,80mm (= .030") thickness. This solution minimize the waste and save money twice, because the reduced price and also because the minimized waste.
This Bowmacking fiberglassis made in Finland and has the best relation as amout of uniderectional and trasversal fibers to provide the best performance and strength. As for my personal experience this fiberglas provide best arrowspeed performance then others.
Transparency has been better in the last production and it is very good.
The lamination has a matt side and a sanded one to provide a perfect gluing. Pay attention to not touch this side by nacked hands since it may injury and could be grease by hand. This side mast remain clean and dry to provide the best bonding. Allways wear gloves to handle it.
The sanded side is the one to glue with wood to make a "SANDWICH" lamination: fiberglass-wood-fiberglass. By vary the wood number and thickness you may obtain different bow weigth, consider about one pound each tenth of millimeter = .004"
The same fiberglass is also available in 50 meters coil to get a better price. For longer quantities rates please inquire us.
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