Leather glove

Classic 3 fingers shooting glove with finger protection in nabuck leather and the rest in split leather. Has an elastic and velcro enclosure to assure good fit and confort.
When a new glove is needed, it seems much more uncomfortable then old one which was already adapted to the hand. I suggest to choose a slightly narrow ones because it will fit widening. I use to deep it into water and to wear it wet till it adapt to the hand shape.
It may be good to cut shorter the finger protection. If you hang the string just on the first phalanx, it may result too long and to shorten it may better the confort.
I prefer much more this kind of gloves instead of the ones covering the full hand. First because seams are far from nock contact in this one and doesn’t make any interference unlike the more enveloping one. Second because there is no reason to cover the band more and it may result uncomfortable, specially in summertime.
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